Thanks to all who responded to this request yesterday. I'm now a lot clearer about what we are distributing, and what measures it's sensible for us to take. We have decided to obfuscate the .classes files as they are produced, and not worry about the jsp files: it's the java code (the .classes files) that's the key to the application. That should increase the degree of comfort we feel, while still allowing us to enjoy speedy WAR construction and smaller WAR sizes. We reached the view that pre-compiling the .jsp files would be time-consuming & would result in much bigger file sizes.

Tom Burke

----- Original Message ----- From: Tom Burke
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 3:18 PM
Subject: Encrypting/Protecting JSP/Struts source code

My company is has developed and is now marketing/selling a line-of-business TSP/Tomcat application which we sell to corporate customers to runs on their servers in their intranets.

It's suddenly become clear to my company that when we deploy a WAR on a customers' site, the source code is completely visible to anyone who has access to the server's drives, and this is belatedly causing some concern. Obviously there are clauses in our license that formally protect our intellectual property and at a corporate level we are relaxed, but my boss is quite concerned about the delinquent administrator who simply downloads & walks away with the code.

Is there any way in which the deployed WAR file, and all the files that explode out of it, can be hidden/encrypted/protected on the server, while still allowing them to be executed by Tomcat? The app is almost completely JSP/Struts, there is hardly any HTML at all (if any in fact).

Tom Burke

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