* Chris Mooring wrote (18/01/06 15:11):
> Hi Michael,
> Could it be that your request headers are > 8K ? I was having some funny
> issues with JK2 this week where my page would suddenly show some sort of c
> stack trace about a BufferOverFlow Exception (we are no longer using JK2),
> but someone sent me this information;
> "It looks like requests can only be 8k long:
> <http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/jk2/common/ajpv13a.html>
> What happens if the request headers > max packet size? There is no provision
> to send a second packet of request headers in case there are more than 8K (I
> think this is correctly handled for response headers, though I'm not
> certain). I don't know if there is a way to get more than 8K worth of data
> into that initial set of request headers, but I'll bet there is (combine
> long cookies with long ssl information and a lot of environment variables,
> and you should hit 8K easily). I think the connector would just fail before
> trying to send any headers in this case, but I'm not certain.
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.0-doc/catalina/docs/api/constant-values.ht
> ml#org.apache.ajp.Ajp13.MAX_READ_SIZE
> "

I would like to know whether a) request headers really are limited like
this, and b) there's anything I can do about it.

We have a web application running under tomcat, and we're using quite a
lot of Ajax code, which sends user data to the server via xmlhttp. I've
noticed that when using ajp the POST data is corrupted if there is a lot
of data (it's rare in practice, but quite recreatable). Without ajp,
this doesn't happen. However, it's perfectly possible to upload a large
file via a web form using ajp.

If I switch to accessing tomcat directly (and this is easy, because I
have tomcat on port 8080, and apache on port 80 forwarding to exactly
the same tomcat instance) the large POSTs work fine, so I don't think
there's anything wrong with the application.

Does anyone know any more about this? I'm prepared to dump ajp, but I
quite want to keep it if possible, because running apache is convenient
for a variety of reasons.


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