Right, Thanks !!

Tim Funk wrote:

Eyebrowse is created in a non daemon thread preventing JVM shutdown. See their support group for help.

"Eyebrowse Indexer" prio=1 tid=0x085e80a0 nid=0x19f7 waiting on condition [0xb1afa000..0xb1afa1b0]
       at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at org.tigris.eyebrowse.servlets.IndexerServlet$UpdateRunner.run(Unknown Source)
       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)


philguillard wrote:

Thanks for that help,

I did a ./shtdown.sh, then a kill -3 on my tomcatpid, i pasted below the dump i get in tomcat logs. What does this mean? Excuse me for my ignoranc! My problem is just that i'd like to be able to use shutdown.sh in an automatic script without needing to manually check the process and kill it.


Tim Funk wrote:



philguillard wrote:

Launching the script shutdown.sh doesn't shutdown my tomcat 5.5.12.
Any idea?

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