Ken Johanson wrote:
> Mark Thomas wrote:
>> Ken Johanson wrote:
>>> I am able to access the current context's org.apache.catalina.Realm
>>> object using Yoav Shapira's Tomcat-Realm example; however, when I call
>>> Realm.authenticate(String user, String pass), the Principal object that
>>> it returns is not being registered with the session..
>>> Shouldn't authenticate() register the Principal with the Session
>>> automatically? Or do I need to call register() in interface
>>> Authenticator?
You would need to find a way to call register()

>> What are you trying to do? From the amount of access you seem to need
>> to Tomcat internals, you might be better off just writing a custom
>> realm and/or authenticator.
>> Mark
> Mark,
> I'm trying to write a facade API that will call into whatever
> Realm/Authenticator that the user already has configured (though an
> abstract/overridden method)... the idea being that no changes to the
> user's existing auth config or modules are required, nor that the user
> should need to change out any custom realm/authenticator that they may
> have written, for mine. So the solution needs to transparently call into
> some existing method(s) in the 'Base' classes or interface impls..
To do what? What user requirement are you trying to meet? Technically
I understand what you are trying to do but not the fundamental why.
Knowing your ultimate aim may enable people on this list to suggest an
alternative approach.


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