> From: "Venkat Reddy Valluri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/01/24 Tue AM 11:08:24 EST
> To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Subject: J2EE Security roles
> Hi, 
>    I am using   catalina-4.0.4 and Form based authentication with  JDBCRealm.
>    I would like to get the roles of a user from  session object in which I 
> think        roles must have been stored by j2ee secuirity realm when user is 
> authenticated  
>    Can you please let me know  thru which session attribute I can access roles
>From looking throught the HttpServletRequest interface on the Sun site, the 
>closest thing I can find to what you're asking for is the "isUserInRole()" 
>method which returns a boolean value.  Use the getRemoteUser() method in 
>combination with isUserInRole()

> Thanks in advance,
> --Venkat

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