Is it possible to run on the same container (instance of Tomcat) web application that DO require certificates and other applications that do NOT require certificates?

To define required client certificate authorization one needs to define in SERVER.XML

<Connector className=............ port="8443"....... scheme="https"......
<Factory className ="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory" clientAuth="true" protocol="TLS" keystoreFile="MyPath/MyKeystoreFile ...../>

The thing is, I have at a customer site a web-application that serves a mixed PKI environment. This means, that some users use chip-cards and a Single Sign On solution to authenticate. But there is also a quite big population of users who still use a standard username/password authentication over an SSL connection. So for both cases I need SSL.

Is there any way of defining this on an application level, which would mean the definition should go into web.xml instead of server.xml. I then could make two web applications, one defined for users with a Certificate and one for users without. If that is not possible, I need two servers, each running an instance of Tomcat with different server.xml settings.

Any suggestions would be greatly apreciated.


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