why not simply take the tomcat download (normal version), unpack it,
put your webapp into it, pack it and offer for download for the

On 2/2/06, Felipe Gaúcho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I have the following goal:
> create a pack containing my web-application and also a runnable Tomcat
> server.
> the cliente should be able to run my application whithout any previously
> installed Tomcat server... just download my product and start it through
> some line command or shell script...
> my first question:
> what distribution should I download to create such "standalone
> web-application"? the 5.0.28 Embedded ??
> * obs: I can't adopt the 5.5 version for now.. that's why I guess the
> 5.0.28...
> any advice will be greateful.
> best regards,
>      Felipe Gaúcho
>      Cejug-Classifieds owner
>      https://cejug-classifieds.dev.java.net/

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