I recently came across this problem also (i've read some of the later mails in this discussion also and I'm answering to those too) with a tomcat 5.5.12 installation and using the ext3 filesystem.

anyway, my setup is using jsvc from the commons daemon project, and the catalina.out file is defined in the startup script I'm using for jsvc.. and that part looks like this... (this is btw from my developer server so ignore the fact that it is not logging to /var/log/...)

    $CATALINA_HOME/bin/jsvc \
    -user $TOMCAT_USER \
    -home $JAVA_HOME \
    -pidfile /var/run/jsvc-tomcat.pid \
    -Dcatalina.home=$CATALINA_HOME \
    -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR \
    -outfile $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out \
    -errfile '&1' \
    -cp $CLASSPATH \

here the parameter -outfile is beeing used to tel where the catalina.out file is..

now the question I have is now, how can I here setup jsvc so that it uses logrotation, I've searched the net 8google, commons daemon) but not been able to get a satisfying answer, but perheps the commons-daemon folk in their mailing list knows more and I have to ask there...

/Christian Andersson


I got this problem that the catalina.out file gets to big. It grows to
a size of approx. 2 gig and then tomcat just crashes.
Does anyone know how configure tomcat so that catalina.out only get a size
of 100 MB and then replaces it by a new empty catalina.out? The old one
should be saved under a different name.

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