Anoop --

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you are trying to set response headers on a 302 response and then expecting those headers to return on the next request. I can't find any information indicating this behavior is supported by the HTTP protocol. You are better off setting cookies, GET parameters, or session attributes to transfer info the the next request. The first two will work for any request to the same server. The last one will only work if the next request is going to the same webapp.


Yue Mu wrote:
HI Anoop,
>> Is it that the response of the first page becomes the request of the next jsp.... No - "the next jsp" gets the same request, which is the whole idea of "forwarding" a request. This is why you don't see the newly added headers (to the response!). I'm not sure what you are trying to do but you need to use Response.containHeaders(java.lang.String name) to check if a header is already there. Hope this helps. Regards,

Anoop kumar V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I would really appreciate if someone can answer my question..


On 2/3/06, Anoop kumar V wrote:
HI All,

I am using Tomcat5.
I have a simple jsp displaying the header information that I have set in
another jsp page. For some reason I can see all the default headers except
the headers that I have set in this jsp. I am doing a jsp:forward to go to
the next page which displays the header information ( I have also tried
redirect - but just wont work)...



 @author Anoop Kumar V.
         Date: Jan 19, 2006 4:13:05 PM

      System.out.println("Jsp called successfully");
      response.setHeader("userName","GSE_FMS");  //just to be sure.....

      boolean isheader = response.containsHeader("userName");

userName header ..."+isheader);
      System.out.println("contains myValue header ..." +




 Created for Sikorsky GSE
 @author Anoop Kumar V.
         Date: Jan 19, 2006 4:13:05 PM

      System.out.println("Test header response page called successfully");
      String s = request.getHeader("userName");
      System.out.println("user: "+s);           // Issue: always returns
null even though set in the previous page
      out.println("USERNAME HEADER: " + s +"
      Enumeration headernames = request.getHeaderNames();
      while (headernames.hasMoreElements()){
          String headername = (String)headernames.nextElement();
          String headervalue = request.getHeader(headername);
          out.println("    " + headername+"----"+headervalue + "


I think I am doing something fundamentally wrong....

Also can someone help me with understanding how the setHeader and
getHeader works - we use response.setHeader to set but use
request.getHeader to read the header values. Is it that the response of
the first page becomes the request of the next jsp....
Thanks and best regards,

Thanks and best regards,

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