
I'm unable to get the certificate signed by someone like Verisign so I've been using self signed certificates. To do this all I've done is follow the advice on the help page, using the command "keytool =genkey -alias localhost -keyalg RSA" Once that's done I've linked from server.xml to the .keystore file created using this.

Is this right or am I missing a step?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dhaval Patel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with setting up an SSL secure page


  I have setup small guide on SSL with Tomcat 5.5. You can find it at

But that guide is in Tomcat 5.5 with APR (Apache Portable Runtime). It works with self-generated certificates. (I think it does not work with Verisign certificates but I am not 100% sure) Try to follow the guide and you will be able to setup SSL. But make sure that you use
Tomcat 5.5 because it has APR connector (tcnative-1.dll).

Once you setup SSL, test it on https://localhost or https://localhost:port . Then use the
following snippet to enable SSL in your web-app.


   For more information, visit:

May be someone help you out with Tomcat 5.0 but since I know things are working with Tomcat
5.5 so I thought above instructions will make you move quickly.

   Let us know your experience.


--- Parsons Technical Services <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What is in the logs?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Whitby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 11:02 AM
Subject: Problem with setting up an SSL secure page

Dear all,

I am currently designing a final year project for my University course and I am having problems getting a working SSL connection. I have Tomcat set up
and working fine, but when it comes to accessing a page over the https
setup, I am having no luck.

Firstly a few technical details. I am using Windows XP Home, with Internet
Explorer 6.0.2900.2180.  I am using the latest Java installation, jdk
1.5.0_05 and so the JSSE comes installed with that. I'm using Tomcat 5.0, the latest installation available (it's only been installed on my system for
the last few weeks).  I have McAffe Security Centre installed but the
problem occurs even with this turned off.

Now the problem.  I have followed word by word the set up instructions in
the Tomcat manual. I have created the certificate and verified it using the
command line.  I have altered the server.xml file to include the path
"keystorePath="D:/FYPCode/keystore" "where I have copied the keystore to.
I've done everything. Yet when I type https://localhost:8443 in the browser window I get nothing. When using IE it takes ages to search for the page, then eventually I get "This page cannot be displayed" and in Mozilla I get a message after a couple of minutes saying the page has timed out and get left
with a blank page.  So I can't load the page up at all.

I've tried everything I can think of to get it to work. I have 3 different books on this subject and I've followed the instructions in every one to try and get this to work. Nothing has worked. I did a Google search using as many different combinations of words I can think of but the only help I get
is for Tomcat 3 and the old JSSE installation.  So I'm lost.  I did even
think about installing the JSSE 1.3 to see if that had an effect, as I can't find any of the jar files that are mentionned in that area. However, I felt
it best to ignore that as it says.

So as you can see I've tried everything I can think of. Nothing as worked.
If anyone can help me I would be extremely grateful.

Many thanks

Mark Whitby

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