> From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: java.lang.Object cannot be resolved
> Lets start with the easy stuff is 
> $JAVA_HOME\lib\rt.jar on your $CLASSPATH ???

The rt.jar should NOT be on CLASSPATH.  CLASSPATH refers to the location
of application classes, not ones provided by the JRE.  The location of
rt.jar is normally determined by working back from the location of the
launcher, but may be overridden by the -Xbootclasspath command line
parameter.  JAVA_HOME is frequently used by application scripts, but is
not used by the JVM/JRE itself.

Note that this problem is occurring during compilation of servlets, not
while Tomcat is running, so it's most likely a JRE installation problem
(there's no IDE involved).  Could also be an erroneous setting of the
-bootclasspath parameter for javac, but the OP provided little
information about exactly how he was compiling the servlets.

 - Chuck

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