
I just started using Apache 2.2 and mod_proxy_ajp with Tomcat 5.0.28 on OS X 10.4.4. I'm doing some load testing on this configuration and am getting some pretty dismal results. My load test consists of 10 clients each sending about 150 HTTP GETs for images that are about 6K each.

In a nutshell, when I go directly to Tomcat, it's really fast and everything is good. When I go through Apache 2.2, it hangs and I get a lot of timeouts. I'm using the worker MPM and have the following setup:

StartServers          2
ServerLimit          16
MaxClients         1024
MinSpareThreads      32
MaxSpareThreads      64
ThreadsPerChild      64
MaxRequestsPerChild   0

What do I need to look out for in getting this to perform better? I tried the max=XXX configuration at the end of my ProxyPass line, but that didn't help. Any thoughts?


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