Thanks for the response, but I still can't get it to go. I set up another server with the <Context> entries in the context.xml instead of in server.xml, so things are where the docs recomment, but still nothing. I've put the caseSensitive="false" in both the one in /conf, and in META-INF with no luck. Are you sure it works in 5.5.12? A couple of the posts I've seen while googling have implied that the last version this worked in was 5.5.9. That would really suck if correct! If it matters, I'm running jdk 1.5.0_06.

David Kerber wrote:

Nobody has any suggestions on this?  I still can't get it to go.


David Kerber wrote:

I read the thread from last week about case-sensitivity, and did some additional googling when it didn't work, but still can't get my Tomcat 5.5.12 on Win2k, running with Java 1.5.0_06 to be case-INsensitive for the context path. That is a problem for my users, because we migrated them from SilverStream, which is NOT case-sensitive in the context path. I have tried the following Context entries. Note the entry in both the <Context> field, and the <Resources> entry (I found that one via google). I have tried these entries eash separately, and together, and still cannot get my context path to be case-INsensitive. I don't care if things are case sensitive once they get into the app, but would really like to get the context path to not matter.

This is in my server.xml, because I can't get the context path to work in context.xml:

<Context path="/wradev/pelican" docBase="e:\TomcatClients\WebSiraCommon\webapps\SiteData" debug="0" reloadable="true" autoDeploy="true" unpackWARs="true" crossContext="false" caseSensitive="false">
        <Resources caseSensitive="false"/>

And yes, I know about the security warning about being non case-sensitive on Windows! I also know that this context path setup is not the usual way of doing things; it's because I need to keep the path the same after the migration to Tomcat.


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