
I have JDNIRealm set in the context.xml like this

<Context path="/project" docBase="project" debug="99"> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"
         userRoleName="affiliation" />

Authentication works fine until I added this to slapd.conf

access to *
      by anonymous auth
      by users read

Because I don't want to let anonymous users query ldap.

Now when I login, I get http status 403 (access denied).

Without ldap access control set, request.getUserPrincipal() prints
this: GenericPrincipal[gary(member,)]
but with access control, it print this: GenericPrincipal[gary()]

Not sure why the role information would be missing.
I am using tomcat 5.5.15, openldap 2.2.29


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