Ian Shafer wrote:

I have this line in my httpd.conf file:

ProxyPass /webapp/ ajp://localhost:8009/webapp/ min=256 max=256

and in tomcat I have maxThreads set to 256 for both my HTTP connector and my AJP connector. For some reason, though, I still get a message in my tomcat log saying:

ERROR TP-Processor4 org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool - All threads (256) are currently busy, waiting. Increase maxThreads (256) or check the servlet status

Why does this happen? I thought my 'max=256' setting in httpd.conf would only 256 connections at once.

Depends on the mpm you are using. If it's worker mpm, then max=256 means
that it will have max 256 connection per worker, so you can end up with
256*(MaxClients/ThreadsPerChild). If it's prefork mpm, then max=256 is
not used and is always 1. The max number of connections in that case
is MaxClients.


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