Marc Wentink a écrit :

>Ok, it seems to work putting the class in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 
>The servlet now starts up.
>\shared is, after reading the docs the general place for classes used by all 
I won't recommand putting classes in /share unless really needed (shared
libs poses problems when different web applications requires different
version of a shared library and according to tomcat4 classloader how-to
the instance are already shared, so you can get side effects from one
webapp to the other). If you servlet works when the class is in /shared
then it should work exactly the same if class is in WEB-INF/lib of your

>It got me further, sorry to bother you guys so much, this it the idea of my 
>"I should turn a java program into a servlet and run it in Tomcat. The idea is 
>this repeatedly called java program would work more efficiently as a servlet 
>in Tomcat. The java program stops and starts the Virtual Machine all the time, 
>a servlet in Tomcat should not.
>The Java program is written with JDK 1.42 hence I believe I should use Tomcat 
Tomcat 5.5 works also on jdk 1.4 (just add the compatibility package as
stated in doc)
Keep in mind j2ee application have strongly different design then J2se

>Has big priority since the performance of our Intranet site is so low it going 
>to all kinds of political high ohmens here. So I am under pressure to do this 
>fast, and try to read the docs real quickly, but I do not always succeed.
>So my apoligies. But any help appreciated.
Mmm your intraner is instanciating java application which return html
results? Clearly the job of a servlet ;)
But if you comme from j2se environment, you might need to grab a few
courses on web-tiers, jsp and so on before messing around!

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