        Now I have made some progress.

My policy file is

grant CodeBase "file:C:/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps/struts-blank" Principal
* * {
  permission javax.security.auth.AuthPermission "
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.home", "read";

  permission com.paper.security.filter.URLPermission "/index.jsp";
  permission com.paper.security.filter.URLPermission "/struts-blank/";
  permission com.paper.security.filter.URLPermission"/struts-blank/index.jsp";
  permission com.paper.security.filter.URLPermission"/struts-blank/Welcome.do";


and I am using code like this.

           final SecurityManager sm;
         if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
            sm  = new SecurityManager();
           } else {
            sm = System.getSecurityManager();
         Subject.doAsPrivileged(s, new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
                              public Object run() {
                                  return null;
Now after JAAS authentication, I get access denied (
com.paper.security.filter.URLPermission /struts-blank/)


On 2/17/06, Mohan Radhakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have anabled authentication usng JAASRealm in Tomcat 5.x
> The steps are
> 1. Security constraints in web.xml - Working
> 2. JAAS LoginModule implementation - Working because I am able to login.
> 3. Policy file like this
> grant CodeBase "file:./struts-blank.war" Principal 
> com.paper.security.filter.Principal "mohan" {
>   permission com.xor.auth.perm.URLPermission "/index.jsp";
>   permission com.xor.auth.perm.URLPermission "/struts-blank/index.jsp";
>   permission com.xor.auth.perm.URLPermission "/struts-blank/Welcome.do";};
> 4. Struts filter like this
>                   HttpServletRequest httpReq = (HttpServletRequest) req;
>             LoginContext lc = *new* LoginContext("WhitePaper",
>                               *new* WhitePaperCallbackHandler( 
> httpReq.getRemoteUser(),
> "javatech" ));
>                       logger.info( "Authenticating [" + 
> httpReq.getRequestURI() );
>               lc.login();
>                       logger.info( "Authenticated" );
>               Subject s = lc.getSubject();
>               javax.security.auth.Policy policy = 
> javax.security.auth.Policy.getPolicy();
>               CodeSource cs = *new* CodeSource(*new* 
> URL("file:./struts-blank.war"),
>                                                      (CodeSigner[])*null*);
>               PermissionCollection perms = policy.getPermissions( s, cs );
>               *if*( perms!= *null* ) {
>                       Enumeration e = perms.elements();
>                       *while*( e.hasMoreElements()) {
>                               logger.info( "[" + e.nextElement() + "]");
>                       }
>                   }
>               Subject.doAsPrivileged(s, *new* PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
>                       *public* Object run() {
>                         proceed( req,res,chain );
>                         *return* *null*;
>                       }
>                       }, *null*);
> The problem is that I am not able to print any permissions. So I am
> assuming there is a configuration problem. I am able to login and JAAS
> itself works fine.
> Now I am able to type a URL that is not mentioned in the policy file and
> access it. So my policy file is not taking effect ??
> Appreciate any help.
> Thanks,
> Mohan

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