Okay, I see your point.

But, if a user requests a secure page without logging in, how will you find out? Are you using a Servlet Filter or something?


David Delbecq wrote:

Hello Poornachandran,

as i said webapp X manage authentification all by itself (basically
using it's own providers, so there is now security constraint and so on
in the web.xml, webapp does not use container managed security, and i
have no control over this, closed source webapp), but it provides an
extension mecanism (implement a given interface). I'd like to implement
a simple class that just do something like
tomcatContainer.checkCredentials(user,userprovidedpass), which will
check those credentials against configured realm. Or, if i have no other
choice, will instanciate the realm, configure it and use it. (I just
hope don't need to do that, this sound awfull).

So, obviously, in webapp, a request.getUserPrincipal() will always
return null.

Poornachandran a écrit :

Hi David,

I am just wondering after your app authenticates, are you able to get
not-null from request.getUserPrincipal(). I understand this is how the
container understands that user is logged on or not.


David Delbecq wrote:


I probably will have the following webapp structure to configure
- webapp X manage authentification all by itself (using forms and so on)
but provide a way to configure your own credential using a quite basic
checkPassword(user,pass) interface.
- Tomcat is able to authenticate all my users for now (connecting to a
ldap-like JNDI structure)

Is there a way from the webapp to call tomcat api and have it check a
user/password according to configured realm?


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