You are missing the xalan jars:

btw, you should not have your compilation depends on any tomcat lib,
unless you are building specific tomcat extensions (like realms)

Wentink, Marc a écrit :

>Dear Group, 
>Which jars am I missing, and were can I find them when I got an error on 
>import org.apache.xpath?
>I am trying to move from jdk1.4 and Tomcat4, to jdk5 and Tomcat5
>I have installed Tomcat Core version:
>I have changed my CLASSPATH to: C:\Program 
>My common lib contains:
>C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.15\common\lib>ls
>commons-el.jar           jasper-runtime.jar       naming-factory.jar
>jasper-compiler-jdt.jar  jsp-api.jar              naming-resources.jar
>jasper-compiler.jar      naming-factory-dbcp.jar  servlet-api.jar
>Recompiling my java source containing a servlet gives me the following error:
>    [javac] E:\cvs\projecten\java\pdfgen\src\net\antonius\pdfgen\ 
>            package org.apache.xpath does not exist
>    [javac] import org.apache.xpath.*;
>I did not have the error with Tomcat4, JDK1.4 and a classpath including 
>servlet.jar from Tomcat4.
>Should I have installed another distribution of Tomcat5.5 ? One containing the 
>jars I am missing?
>Kind Regards, and my appriciation in advance,
>Marc Wentink
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