I assume that your web app was dealing with a backend database.  In that
case, it is quite possible that your JDBC data source is running out of
connections.  So the timeout is not necessarily caused by the servlet,
but by the connection pool.  One option is to increase the number of
connections in the connection pool.  8 out 10 times this can be the


-----Original Message-----
From: foo shyn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 6:05 AM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Tomcat servlet load handling


I face problems when Tomcat is facing heavy load for a particular
servlet. I
got a servlet which serves a large amount of data to users. When a
particular number of users is accessing this servlet, others failed to
it (receive nothing until the connection timed out). If they access
servlets on the same Tomcat there won't be any problem.

My Questions are: Is it that the Tomcat have any settings to allow how
users to be able to access a servlets at the same time? or is it that my
Servlets need to follow certain coding pattern? What would prevent the
from accessing the Tomcat's servlet when other's running it as well?

I'm running on Tomcat 4.1 with J2SDK 1.4.2

Any opinions and feedbacks are welcomed.


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