Unless I'm missing something somewhere else, catalina.sh specifies that logging.properties is the java.util.logging configuration file used. I suppose changing the jre properties file is an option, though if that works it leaves a big questions as to why this is the case.

Is anyone else having this issue? I think pretty much anyone using maven-proxy should be experiencing this. If you are using maven-proxy on Tomcat 5.5 and are *not* experiencing this, I'd be interested to know if you are using the compatibility package and jdk1.4.2 or not. It appears that much of the DEBUG messages are coming from XML parsing, and the xerces jars are part of the compatibility package.


On Feb 24, 2006, at 7:52 PM, Glen Mazza wrote:

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
This is a real incredible nuisance. It appears that Tomcat is using java.util.logging, so I altered all the log levels in conf/ logging.properties to WARNING, and I'm still getting DEBUG messages

Since you're using java.util.logging, have you tried the logging.properties within the JAVA_HOME/jre/lib directory? That might work.


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