Peter Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> look at the dump, it looks like the permgen ran out of space
>  PSPermGen       total 50304K, used 50170K [0x445f0000, 0x47710000,
> 0x545f0000)
>   object space 50304K, 99% used [0x445f0000,0x476ee878,0x47710000)
> try increasing your permGen to 128Mb. Another option is to use a jdk
> that doesn't have permGen like JRockit.  Sun's PermGen is not resized
> once the JVM starts, so if the webapp has lots of classes, it can
> exceed the PermGen size.

As you see at the bottom of the file I have already 256m PermSpace.
Another issue is that if Tomcat 5.5.x runs out of PermSpace, it logs:

  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

in contrary to:

  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

And heap space OOME is the one that has been logged.


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