Hi All,

I've seen this one all over the user group but I seem
to have come to a dead end with this. I have upgraded
from tomcat 4 to 5 and I can't seem to get my app
working again. 

The part that has broken is the jndi datasource
look-up. I notice that I'm definitly not the first to
experience this problem. Perhaps things might have
been made a bit clearer. I thought I had set things up
correctly. I have extracted my old context from
server.xml and added it under my web app context. 

<Context path="/myapp" docBase="myapp"
        debug="0" reloadable="true"

  <Resource name="jdbc/testDB" auth="Container"
        maxActive="10" maxIdle="7" maxWait="50000"
username="user1" password="****"

I now have this error where it had been working in
version 4. 

org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot
create JDBC driver of cla
ss '' for connect URL 'null'  

Thanks for your help.

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