2006/3/7, David Kerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> <Context caseSensitive="false">
thanks a lot. it worked.
and I think someone discussed other problem of these question maybe
right. but my goal is only to let tomcat's URL or URI (I don't kown
which is wright, or all are write) case-insensitive. I don't care the
case-sensitive feature in jsp or servlet file can work( maybe it MUST
case-sensitive, because of java language, but I don't care about
these. I just need URL is CASE-INSENSITIVE, And it will be ok to me)

and the security problem that someone has said, I think it may not be
so important. If a hacker want to detect your site, I think he will
test all posibles JSP Jsp jSP and others.

but thanks again ,everyone
> Buddy wu wrote:
> >2006/3/7, Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >
> >>Buddy wu wrote:
> >>     I wan't to know there is any way to set tomcat NOT CASE SENSITIVE in 
> >> URL
> >>     I mean: when I write in browser's 'http://localhost/test.html'
> >>equals to 'http://localhost/TEST.htm'.  Can I do it ? or just in
> >>WINDOWS can but Linux/unix can't?
> >>
> >>Right, url is case-insensitive under Windows because the file system
> >>
> >>
> >But, the FACT is that under Windows the URL is CASW-SENSITIVE, not
> >case-insecsitive , why?
> >
> >I've tried, under Windows, test.html and TEST.html is diffrent in
> >tomcat server. Is there a parameter to set??
> >
> >
> >
> >>can't tell a difference between test.html and TEST.html. The difference
> >>is there under Linux/UNIX.
> >>
> >>Long
> >>
> >>
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