Have you looked into aspect oriented programming? You should be able accomplish 
your objectives using it. One example open source effort is the Spring 
framework. Good luck. 
 - andy   

John MccLain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: We have a fairly large client/server 
app that we converted to a java webapp.
The original app was in powerbuilder. there were 2 types of rules applied to
field rendering:

1) any rule that could be handled when the screen loaded was handled via
screen level events, e.g., if a screen had fields with default values, or
hidden fields under certain conditions, then these would be applied at
screen entry via an onchange event for the screen
2) computed fields were handled via onChange events on the field, e.g., if
field x changes, change field y

The 'field rules' could be any valid powerscript expression

What we have done is mimicked this in java. we process the same way as
above, except we dynamically convert (very painfully) the powerscript into
java syntax, then run the rules as above, by passing the converted rules to
an embedded java interpreter (BeanShell)

The problem is if you have sophisticated rules, or rules which affect many
different fields, e.g., if field x changes, change field y, but if field y
changes, change field z, etc... This becomes very slow - up to 15 seconds
for a screen to render or change completely. Not to mention the complexity
of the rules management.

Is there a better way???

John McClain
Senior Software Engineer
TCS Healthcare
"Skepticism is the first step toward truth"

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