My stuff is 90% java and jsp, with only a few static resources. Where should I put them in the Tomcat structure? Do they go under the appropriate spot in /webapps?

Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

the setup can be trivial, if you pair one apache to one tomcat, and use mod_proxy.
you should be up and running fairly quickly.

Alan Chaney wrote:

Hi Andrew

Tomcat is not a 'general purpose' web server - rather, it is a 'Java web application' server and is specifically designed to support a number of standards for serving Java web-based applications (eg, the 'servlet spec'). If you need to run a 'mixed' set of web applications, including static (.htm or .html) pages and PHP and CGI scripts you should probably consider running both the Apache HTTP server and Tomcat together. I've had quite a lot of success with this, but its not exactly trivial to setup.

See for more details on the Apache server.

See the page for more information on linking Tomcat to Apache.

You can combine Apache and Tomcat with the mod_jk connector, which means that when you can configure the system to pass Java specific requests to Tomcat and serve PHP and CGI with Apache.

Although it is possible to serve static HTML pages with Tomcat such as you can create with Dreamweaver etc, it certainly doesn't offer the ability to serve PHP content except as CGI. You can see for how to serve CGI with Tomcat. You *could* use a command line PHP script as a CGI program but frankly it's not a very good way to do it.

To recap - if you want to serve Java, PHP and other CGI (say PERL) then use Apache as the front end and Tomcat for the Java side of things. If you don't need to serve Java applications at all, then you probably don't need Tomcat!


Alan Chaney

Andrew E. Davidson wrote:


Does anyone one know how I can run normal web sites on Tomcat? By normal I mean sites that are produced using a tool like Microsoft's front page, or
Dream weaver. The web masters of these sites want to publish their site
changes using FTP. They do not have the ability to create WAR files.

Does anyone know what I would have to do to run a web site that was
implemented using PHP or CGI scripts?



p.s. I did not find anything about this topic on the documentation, FAQ's,
or Tomcat reference books I have purchased

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