you have several problems:

1. jvmRoute should be a unique value on each tomcat, not the same across all. 2. you have used (tcpListenAddress="auto") - what this does, is look up your hostname, and then resolves that to an IP address. The problem on your computer is that your local hostname resolves to, it should resolve to the computers actual IP address. You can either hardcode your IP in the tcpListenAddress attribute or you have to fix your /etc/hosts (and any other file that is not configured correctly) file to not resolve your computer name to localhost


Edoardo Causarano wrote:
Hello list, I have some questions on Tomcat 5.5.15 clustering. The apache httpd server connects to the cluster members with mod_jk. All the cluster members have the jvmRoute attribute set to the same value "cluster" as well as the same multicast group. Multicast routes are activated on the appropriate network interfaces with the command:
route add -net netmask dev eth1

On the server logs I get these messages:
1616281 [Cluster-MembershipSender] DEBUG org.apache.catalina.cluster.mcast.McastService - Mcast send ping from member org.apache.catalina.cluster.mcast.McastMember[tcp://,catalina,,4001, alive=100] 1616282 [Cluster-MembershipReceiver] DEBUG org.apache.catalina.cluster.mcast.McastService - Mcast receive ping from member org.apache.catalina.cluster.mcast.McastMember[tcp://,catalina,,4001, alive=1612675]

I'm a bit surprised by the loopback addresses... does this mean that the server is only reading itself on the multicast group?

How can I verify that the cluster members are properly acting in sync? Must the directories for temporary deployment exist BEFORE launching Tomcat?

Thank you,

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