lee sachs wrote:
> the web.xml is as follows:
> <!-- 3/8 - taking comments out here to enable SSI servlet, also changing 
> virtual to 1 for relative, replace  "-->" after /servlet> to restore back 
> comments; tried the virtualWebappRelative value as "0" and "1" - same result; 
> Not sure if  
>   -->
Servlet definition looks OK. What about the servlet mapping?

Further down in web.xml is this:
    <!-- The mapping for the SSI servlet -->

Which needs to be changed to this:
    <!-- The mapping for the SSI servlet -->

> I can run JSPs, applets, and servlets ok, I think these are ok.
Good. A positive sign.

> CLASSPATH variable is set with this value (the Servlets+JSP directory follows 
> from Marty Hall's coreservlets training, but currently there're no servlets 
> or JSPs in there.
There is usually no need to change this.


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