There might definetely be an easier way but I did just that:

i) installed the exe
ii) unzipped a number of Tomcat into other folders
iii) copied exe and dll into those folders
iv) modified ports for the zipped versions of server.xml and ran
"service install ..."

The original exe you can either remove or disable its service - I'm
using is as the load balancer whereas the zipped TCs handle the
requests. Please note that doing it this way you will have to change the
registry settings as the tomcat_home will point to the exe installation.

Regards Thomas

-----Original Message-----
From: David Rush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24. marts 2006 16:06
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: running two instances of tomcat

I'm confused.

I first installed 5.5.15 using the exe (testing on a WinXP machine right
now), and got it working.

But to run multiple instances, it looks as though I need the service.bat
script, which is not included in the .exe.  So I de-installed Tomcat,
downloaded the .zip, and expanded it.  Now I have service.bat, but I no
longer have tomcat5.exe in the bin directory (or anywhere else).

So I need to do one .exe install, then use the .zip for the 2nd, 3rd,
etc. installs, or what?

I see that Nic has posted a rather detailed "howto"... is that with the
.exe installation?


David Kerber wrote:
> I got it working no problem on Windows, running 5.5.12.  Just had to 
> mess with the service installation scripts a bit to give each of them 
> different names.  A little hassle, but not a big one.
> Nic Daniau wrote:
>> That was the case in 4.1 yes, but it doesn't work with 5.5 on Windows

>> platform, because of the way the service is set up from the nsi scrip

>> (that you can read from tomcat source). I've written down a procedure

>> to overcome this and I will post it tomorrow (its on my laptop which 
>> I left at the office tonight). I've tested it on live servers it 
>> works fine.
>> Ideally I hope the guys who write the windows deployer will one day 
>> allow the installer to ask for
>> 1) the name of the servive and not force it to Tomcat5 (whic is the 
>> main
>> issue)
>> 2) use that service name for setting up the reg keys (and not use
>> constants)
>> 3) let the user choose the name of the Program menu it's copying the 
>> shortucut to If I have the time I will post a feature request on 
>> bugzilla...
>> Will definitively post my step-by-step procedure tomorrow Nic
>> On 22/03/06, David Kerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Jim the Standing Bear wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Is there a way to run two instances of tomcat 5.5 on the same
>>>> Because me and a coworker were developing some webapps using the 
>>>> same
>>> node,
>>>> but under two different tomcat instances.  We just learned a 
>>>> painful
>>> lesson
>>>> that as soon as the second instance of tomcat is launched, the 
>>>> first one dies.  Is there a way to get around the problem? Thank 
>>>> you.
>>>> -- Jim
>>> I'm running about 4 instances of tomcat on a single machine, so yes 
>>> it's no problem.  But they need to all be listening on different 
>>> ports, and might need to be supporting different contexts.
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