
I set IIS to 5.0 compliance mode and here's what I see in the isapi
redirector log:
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_isapi_plugin.c (977)]: Using registry.
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_isapi_plugin.c (979)]: Using log file C:
\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\log
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_isapi_plugin.c (980)]: Using log level
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_isapi_plugin.c (981)]: Using extension
uri /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll.
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_isapi_plugin.c (982)]: Using worker file
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_isapi_plugin.c (983)]: Using worker
mount file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_isapi_plugin.c (984)]: Using uri select
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (131)]: Into
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (334)]: Into
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (355)]:
jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open, rule map size is 3
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (280)]: Into
jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open, match
rule /servlets-examples/=wlb was added
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (280)]: Into
jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open, match rule /auth/=wlb was
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (304)]: Into
jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open, exact rule /jkmanager=jkstatus
was added
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (367)]: Into
jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open, there are 3 rules
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (381)]:
jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open, done
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_worker.c (46)]: Into wc_open
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_worker.c (180)]: Into build_worker_map,
creating 2 workers
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_worker.c (186)]: build_worker_map,
creating worker wlb
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_worker.c (106)]: Into wc_create_worker
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_worker.c (120)]: wc_create_worker, about
to create instance wlb of lb
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_lb_worker.c (566)]: Into
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_worker.c (129)]: wc_create_worker, about
to validate and init wlb
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_lb_worker.c (400)]: Into
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_lb_worker.c (494)]: In
jk_worker_t::validate: NULL Parameters
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_lb_worker.c (541)]: Into
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_worker.c (132)]: wc_create_worker
validate failed for wlb
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_worker.c (202)]: build_worker_map failed
to create workerwlb
[Mon Mar 27 08:56:31 2006]  [jk_worker.c (157)]: close_workers got 0
workers to destroy

Does this mean that the wlb worker is not being created successfully?
Any idea why?


On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 09:11 +0200, Per Johnsson wrote:

> Hi!
> Set the IIS to 5.0 compliance. Check the logfile of the isapi redirector. 
> For some reason the log wont work when running in "6.0 mode".
> Se if the log gives you the answare.
> /Per Jonsson
> 2006-03-27 08:10
> Please respond to
> "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> To
> users@tomcat.apache.org
> cc
> Subject
> IIS Isapi Redirector Not Working - 404 Error
> I am trying to get IIS 6.0 to redirect http requests to Tomcat 5.5 on port
> 8080.
> I have downloaded and installed the isapi_redirect.msi from this link:
> http://www.axint.net/apache/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/win32/jk-1.2.15
> /
> It created the "jakarta" virtual directory under the default web site in
> IIS.  The ISAPI filter was added for the isapi_redirect.dll and is showing
> the green arrow status.  I edited uriworkermap.properties and added the
> relevant context to be redirected to Tomcat:
> /auth/*=wlb
> I have explicitly allowed the isapi_redirect.dll as a web service 
> extension
> in IIS.  I verified the registry entries created by the Isapi redirector,
> and everything looks okay.  I also verified in Tomcat's server.xml that 
> the
> AJP 1.3 connector is set up (port 8009).
> When I go directly to the 8080 URL, it works just fine:
> http://localhost:8080/auth/Authorize
> When I try to redirect from port 80, it fails:
> http://localhost/auth/Authorize
> I get a 404 error in the IIS log, indicating that the redirector is not
> handling the requests:
> 2006-03-27 05:57:57 W3SVC1 GET /auth/Authorize - 80 -
> Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322)
> 404 0 3
> Any ideas ?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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