No, I don't know anything about MVC as such. I know MVC stands for "Model View Controller", but have no idea how it applies to writing a real application. I'm purely a self-taught programmer and database designer/administrator. I've been programming since 8th grade in the mid-70's (on an HP-2000 mini computer), but the only formal programming course I've had was Fortran in college, and I've never taken any computer science or programming theory courses.

Asegid Debebe wrote:

Do you have any suggestion, David?


On 3/27/06, David Kerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Waited a bit too long to start your homework, did you?  ;-)

Asegid Debebe wrote:

Dear all,  I really need to complete a very "simple" web application
demonstrate the MVC architecture fully. I would love to do it myself from
scratch but given the time I have, I can't!. I really appreciate if
can point me where I can find a very simple implementation of MVC using
Servlet, JSP on tomcat platform. I promise I will never ask such a
and take your worthy time in the future. I really don't have time!! have
submit it in 24 hours!!




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