Thanks for all the replies, but I think the problem was really only that
I didn't set the memory size correctly for Tomcat Service in WinXP (with
environment var CATALINA_OPTS instead of registry values) and the export
really needed more than the default 64M memory (or that what was
remaining of this).

With kind regards,
Harald Henkel

Harald Henkel wrote:
> Hello everybody.
> How can I increase the memory Tomcat/Java is using?
> I tried setting CATALINA_OPTS with -server -Xms256m -Xmx512m
> but runtime.totalMemory always seems to return a value around 60MB.
> And there are some operations (exporting several thousand database
> records to an Excel file) where we receive out of memory errors.
> Unfortunately I don't yet know the exact error text and where it is
> displayed...
> Yet, if the server (including database) is rebootet it works, so it
> seems to be a problem with Tomcat (oracle doesn't seem to have a problem,
> because the data is already dispalyed in a table genereated by tomcat (JSP).
> Only if I try to export this data to an exel file, the problem arised.
> This is on Windows XP Pro SP2.
> Anybody got an idea? Can this be due to Tomcat memory management? How to
> change it correctly on windows ?
> Somewhere I saw -ms and -mx insead of -Xms and -Xmx
> Any help appreciated!
> With kind regards,
> Harald Henkel
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Harald Henkel

GS automation GmbH
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82223 Eichenau
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