Ok, thanks. After re-reading this thread again, I had just figured that out and was going to post a "Never mind" message, but you beat me to it...

Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

what you are missing is
the complete file name being ".war"
ie, only a suffix, no actual file name


David Kerber wrote:

Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

two things:

1. I don't see that you specified path="" in your <Context> element, I would try that. 2. Deleting a .war deletes webapps directory, yeah, you can call that a pretty big oops! if you open a bugzilla item I will be happy to fix that, I of course never thought anyone would use .war as an actual deployed file.

Jumping in here:

Huh? I thought the .war was the normal way of deploying an app. Unless I'm missing something in this thread...



Tim Lucia wrote:

That's what I am saying. I have a context.xml in my META-INF -- it looks
like this:


  <!-- Define the "admin2" database as a JNDI-enabled DataSource.  -->
    validationQuery="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DUAL"
maxActive="50"/> <Environment description="Host name (FQDN) of blah Server" name="host" override="false" type="java.lang.String" value="blah.blah.blah"/> </Context> I forgot to mention - tomcat 5.5.12 / JDK 1.5.0_06 -- I am leery of moving
forward given the recent banter about .16...

Oh, and while I am at it, undeploying the context (empty) created by
deploying .war DELETES MY webapps DIRECTORY! That can't be good either.


-----Original Message-----
From: Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 3:35 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: FarmWarDeployer ROOT.war -> / - How to?

so you are saying its all working except that on a slave you get two
contexts, "/" and "/ROOT"?

have you tried putting a context.xml inside the META-INF directory? maybe that will solve the problem? otherwise, I am sure its a bug and I would have to research it a little bit


Tim Lucia wrote:
Hi All,

(This one is probably a Filip question...)

I have a 3-node cluster on Red Hat (2.6.9+ kernel) and I wish to use the FarmWarDeployer. I have (of course!) RTFM and STFW and both have been extremely helpful. I did note an old (2004-ish) post to this list from Filip saying that the deployDir SHOULD NOT be the <host>'s appBase

From: "Filip Hanik - Dev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cluster FarmWarDeployer
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 16:32:27 -0500

- should the deploy dir point to the webapp directory?

no it should not, cause you would double deploy your app, and that is why

you get an error
but that seemed to only copy the war

no, it deployed it, just didn't expand it, there is no reason to expand it


and a more recent post from Peter Rossbach saying that it SHOULD be the appBase.

On Thursday 26 Jan 2006 11:33, Peter Rossbach wrote:
Please, set the deployDir to your webapps dir.

The latter appears to work for wars named other then ROOT.war. Of course ROOT.war works properly when autoDeploy'ed via copying directly into appBase, or when uploading via the manager. I can successfully deploy an application named 'tim.war' across my cluster by dropping it into /tmp/war-listen on the node with watchEnabled="true".

My problem comes when trying to perform a cluster-wide deployment of the default application. If I name it ROOT.war, I get "/" on the master, and "/" + "/ROOT" on each of the slaves. One other suggestion was to simply name it ".war" [http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=tomcat-user&m=111768929520032&w=2] but this caused the following:

2006-03-31 15:10:02,446
[org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.TcpReplicationThread[2]] INFO HostConfig
: Deploying web application archive .war
2006-03-31 15:10:02,491
[org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.TcpReplicationThread[2]] INFO
ContextConfig : Missing application web.xml, using defaults


Which is no good either.

Here is my Deployer element, if it matters at all (this is from a slave)


What's the official party line on deploying in this manner to /?


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