David Grace wrote:

Maybe the solution to the problems with bad posts can be solved by an
email once a month that describes exactly what the accepted posting
policy is.

Ah, but that's not enough - see, that would require that you actually read the archives, and that's something that's apparently way beyond the capabilities / desires of some of the users here.

Perhaps we should auto-reply to every post with a form reply asking for more info :-).

And regarding:

> 3) Questions so devoid of any useful information they are completely
> unanswerable.  The "it doesn't work, please help" questions.

Would be somewhat more tolerable if the "please" appeared there. Often it's "it doesn't work - stupid (#*$) tomcat developers - make it work - what kind of (*%#*) is this!".

Admittedly some of them (developers) are, umm, less than tactful, but that's basically what you get.

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