
I'm currently setting up a tomcat 5.5 serveur behind an apache 1.3 server using mod_jk, all of this running under freebsd 6.0.

I've got two questions :

1) I managed to successfully run Tomcat under the root account in a multi user setup, with .jsp files reachables via www.site.com/~user/test.jsp and www.site.com:8080/~user/test.jsp by using the PasswdUserDatabase UserConfig.

The problem is that I'm kinda worried about security and running tomcat under the root account. I used the -security switch, which seems to work great, but is it secure enough ? I don't want my users to walk through the whole filesystem if there's some security leak :|

If so, then the following question might just be for "scientific" purposes ;)

2) I created a tomcat user and tomcat group, chowned the whole tomcat directory to tomcat:tomcat and launched the tomcat server without any particular switch after having su-ed to the tomcat user.

The www.site.com:8080/ default page works great, but trying to get to www.site.com/~user/test.jsp or www.site.com:8080/~user/test.jsp issues a 404 error from tomcat.

I found little help about this, and I'm quite puzzled about this 404 error.
Does anyone can help me with this ?

Thanks by advance,
François Conil
Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux
<Pax> I wish my lawn was emo, so it would cut itself.

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