Tomcat serialized the session(s) when the application was shut down, and
de-serialized it (them) when the application was restarted.  It's a
beautiful thing that Tomcat can persist sessions across shutdowns and

The session is invalidated when the timeout passes, or if the redeploy
changes the serialized object in a non-compatible way.

Why do you need to detect redeploys in a filter?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 1:56 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: undeploy then redeploy, sessionId valid?

Undeploy a web application, then redeploy it.
  Click a link in an old page(page before undeploy), making the first
request after redeploy.
  In a filter:
  String sessionId = httpRequest.getRequestedSessionId();
boolean valid = httpRequest.isRequestedSessionIdValid();
  sessionId is " AD890098123763728AD80"
  valid: true.
  This means that the old sessionId is still valid.
  what is the criteria to determine whether a session id is valid or not?
  How to detect redeploy in a filter?  

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