Thanks to everyone who replied.

One of the devs found a workaround...we set the filter to set the encoding
of both the request and the response (previously we only tried setting one
or the other...apparently both have to be set correctly)



On 4/10/06, roy tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to this list, hope someone here can help. :)
> We're developing a webapp that should be able to accept Chinese input. We
> also have a filter installed in the webapp for some auditing that we need to
> do per request that's processed. However, we've found that when we submit a
> form with Chinese inputs, the Chinese chars end up saved to the database as
> HTML-escaped entities. ( i.e. &#32610; or such).
> So we backtrace, and we find that removing the filter from web.xml fixes
> the problem. We debug through the doFilter() method of our filter, but we
> find that at the start of the method, request.getParameter ("PARAM_NAME")
> already shows the input as HTML-escaped entities.
> The weird thing is, this doesn't happen on all our Tomcat
> installations...each of our developers has a local Tomcat running, and it
> only happens for one or two. But it also happens on our Test (QA) server,
> such that our testing team always encounters the problem.
> Is there any particular language or encoding setting that I should be
> checking?
> Thanks a lot :D
> Roy

Roy Tang for President in 2022

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