Not the solution, but two hints:

- mod_jk2 is deprecated. Only mod_jk is being actively developped. You should switch from mod_jk2 to mod_jk.

- The symbol that's reported is part of libapr which is needed for apache2. So I assume you are using Apache httpd 2 and you should check, where you can find libapr. But I think something else must be wrong, because without libapr I would have expected httpd to give up on startup much earlier.

You can check for the symbols inlibapr e.g. like this:

mysystem% PATH_TO_NM/nm | grep apr_pool_get_parent
[989] |  171304|    36|FUNC |GLOB |0   |11   |apr_pool_get_parent

Klaus-F. Kaal wrote:

I am trying to use the TOMCAT module with the LAMP package. That worked fine on one Suse10.0 Linux machine.

Installing the very same package on another machine, also with Suse10.0, it fails. When I try to install the TOMCAT-mod_jk package, I get (when starting Apache HTTP Server):

httpd: Syntax error on line 500 of /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /opt/lampp/etc/tomcat.conf: Cannot load /opt/lampp/modules/ into server: /opt/lampp/modules/ undefined symbol: apr_pool_get_parent

Can anybody tell me what is wrong on this machine?

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