On 4/15/06, Evan J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But again, "ANY" classes that does not have "url mapping" in
> WEB-INF/web.xml, would not be autodeployed even if Tomcat server is
> restarted. So once again, any class that has an existing url-mapping
> in WEB-INF/web.xml, can be recompiled and autodeployed upon placement
> in WEB-INF/classes but no newly compiled class that does not have
> url-mapping in web.xml can be autodeployed or deployed at all (or at
> least I get status 404 when I point my browser to the servlet).

If there is no mapping in web.xml, Tomcat doesn't know what to do with
the request, so the 404 is expected.  You can't just "point your
browser to the servlet".  At least, not unless you enable the invoker

> http://vh.domain.com/SomeNewClass (or /servlet/SomeNewClass).

... and this URL containing /servlet/ makes me think you're working
from some old documentation that expects the invoker servlet to be

 * http://tomcat.apache.org/faq/misc.html#evil

You should put your servlet classes in packages and explicitly map
them in web.xml.  URLs matching those mappings are the only ones you
can expect to work.

Whether changes to web.xml are picked up without reloading the context
is a different question.  I always re-deploy for web.xml changes, so
I'm not sure.

You might want to try your experiments again, (using only URLs that
match mappings in web.xml,) and post another (shorter!) question if
you're still not seeing the behavior you want.


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