Hello all,

We run tomcat inside an embedded system and we are planning to upgrade the 
tomcat version from 3.3.1 to 5.5.16. We noticed that the memory footprint of 
a barebones tomcat 5.5 installation is 44 MB. Plain and simple Tomcat 3.3 
used to run with 25 MB. We have limited memory on our system and the memory 
usage of tomcat 5.5 is a concern for us.

The numbers above are the resident set size (RSS) on a linux system. When we 
took the above numbers, both the tomcats had the same heap setting (min: 
25 - max: 30 mb).

When we run our webapps, which add another 20 jars in the classpath, the 
steady state memory usage is 50 MB with Tomcat 3.3 and 66 MB with Tomcat 

Has anyone else solved a similar problem before ? Can I try and tweak tomcat 
5.5 to run in less memory ? Our server.xml is the minimal configuration 


OS: Linux / RedHat 7.3
JVM: IBM 1.4.2 

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