I've got the example invoker servlet stuff uncommented from conf/web.xml, and have restarted Tomcat, but am unable to get a simple test servlet to function. The test servlet class file (SimpleServlet.class) file is under WEB-INF/classes/SimpleServlet.class. A simple HTML file located in the web app's root works, so I know I've got the web app at least partially configured right and pointed in the right directory.

When I shove the URL of my test servlet (http://teton:8018/servlet/SimpleServlet) into my browser, I get the Tomcat 404 error page ("The requested resource (/servlet/SimpleServlet) is not available."). Tomcat is on an unusual port in order to accommodate multiple instances (although only one is running right now).

I do understand that there are security issues with doing things this way, but I'd like to see something this simple work before I press on to other stuff.

What could be wrong?


You are trying to use the invoker servlet. This is evil. See
http://tomcat.apache.org/faq/misc.html#invoker If you insist on doing
this you will need to enable the invoker servlet in conf/web.xml and
restart Tomcat.


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