
Thanks for the very complete information about your environment.

Piotr Wąchała wrote:
Maybe someone can help me with my tomcat problem.
Hope that wont be a big problem for you.

Im observing that our client are disconnected from server, that is very bad 

In my experience, this kind of message :

In jklogfile.log
[Tue Jul 24 08:43:22 2012] [17466:47245693265248] [info] jk_handler::mod_jk.c 
(2620): Aborting connection for worker=loadbalancer
[Tue Jul 24 08:43:22 2012] [17023:47245693265248] [info] 
ajp_process_callback::jk_ajp_common.c (1885): Writing to client aborted or 
client network problems
[Tue Jul 24 08:43:22 2012] [17023:47245693265248] [info] 
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2543): (worker1) sending request to tomcat failed 
(unrecoverable), because of client write error (attempt=1)

in 99% of the cases, indicates a problem that is NOT with Apache httpd or 
mod_jk or Tomcat.
It is that by the time (tomcat+mod_jk+apache) want to send a response back to the client (the user's browser), the eonnection to that user's browser does not exist anymore, so they cannot send it. (And all the other messages after that, are because after this error, things kind of get out of sync.)

This can happen
- either because the user in front of that browser decides that he has waited long enough, and clicks on another link (or closes the browser) - or because some piece of equipment or software closes that connection before (tomcat+mod_jk+apache) had a chance to send back the response

(It happens that in-between routers/firewalls/gatewaysw/proxies, if they do not see anything happen on a client connection for a while, will close that connection - to gain on the number of connections that they must manage).

(Both either/or causes above are also more likely if your Tomcat requests are so that they take a long time to be processed and generate a response)

So the first place to look, is the link between your client (presumably a user browser) and the front-end Apache. What is causing that connection to close, before the response can be sent ?

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