I'm starting up Tomcat 7.0 on RHEL6 with the following init script:

# chkconfig: 235 80 20
# description: Takes care of starting and stopping Tomcat.

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/jdk6-64/"

case "$1" in
                /bin/su tomcat -c "$CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh -security"
                /bin/su tomcat -c $CATALINA_HOME/bin/shutdown.sh
                echo "usage: $0 {start|stop}"

If I use sudo -s (or -i) to get a root shell, I can use this script to start 
and stop Tomcat.

If I invoke this script directly via sudo, i.e. "sudo /sbin/service tomcat7 
stop", stopping Tomcat works.  Starting does not; Tomcat gives the usual output 
to the terminal, creates or touches catalina.out (but writes nothing to it), 
and then instantly exits.  This is a problem, because I need to allow the Web 
admin to start/stop Tomcat without giving them everything.

Has anyone seen anything similar to this before?  /var/log/secure isn't showing 
anything out of the ordinary (and obviously, the commands are being run).



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