Sorry to self-answer, but for edification purposes.  I undeployed all other 
apps and it worked.  That means the config in another app was being used in the 
startup of the one in question.  I thought this was impossible.  I checked in 
the shared and the PlugIn class was not there.  I ass-umed that the individual 
apps, from their xml startup configuration, were "firewalled" from each other.  
Well thank you for tolerating the chatter.

Chris Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello
I hope someone can doesnt mind a little coaching. I am
sure this is brain-fade, however I have a struts app
in TC 5.5.12 that gives a cfne for a PlugIn that does
not exist.  Yes I know that is impossible, ultimately,
however I have searched the application's
web/struts-config.xml, the server's server.xml, search
in the classpath, search in the project path, search
in the server root within files for the class,
searched project root within files for the class, all
to no avail.  

Now obviously TC thinks it is being called, it is a
PlugIn class, so it must be somewhere I am just out of
places to look.  Any tips?  tia. 

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