In my code, the RandomAccess file is trying to do a read (code below).
That's why all my tests are doing reads.

logFile = new RandomAccessFile(fileToRead, "r");

The sample java application I ran executes the exact same line above (with
the same file) and reads the contents correctly. However, in Tomcat webapp,
this fails.


On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:15 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> Udam Dewaraja wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm stumped on a seemingly java/tomcat related issue and am hoping someone
>> can provide some help.
>> We have two users ('user1' and 'user2') on our linux server that share the
>> same group ('group1'). User 'user1' writes some files that have the
>> following permissions:
>> -rw-r----- 1 user1 group1  788 Sep  5 19:42 file.log
>> The folder containing this file has the following permissions:
>> drwxr-xr--  2 user1 group1  4096 Sep  5 19:42 log
>> The tomcat web app is launched as user 'user2'. Below is the ps output for
>> the process. I've also verified that the java web app is running with gid
>> of the shared group 'group1'.
>> user2    31920 31919 99 21:30 ?        00:00:36 /usr/local/jre/bin/java
>> .... org.apache.catalina.startup.**Bootstrap start
>> When the web app tries to read the file, *it gets the following
>> exception*:
>> /foo/bar/data/log/file.log (Permission
>> denied)
>> at**Native Method)
>> at<**init>(**233)
>> at<**init>(**118)
>>         …
>> at**java:679)
>> However, while logged in as 'user2', I can run a simple
>> cat /foo/bar/data/log/file.log and* I can read the contents of the file*.
>> Also, if I provide 'other' read permissions to the file (e.g. -rw-r--r--
>> 1 user1 group1  788 Sep  5 19:42 file.log), *the web app is able to read
>> the file*.
>> If I write a sample java application that tries to read this file and
>> execute it while logged in as 'user2', again *Java is able to read the
>> file.
>> *
>> Tomcat doesn't seem to be using any security policy as far as I can tell.
>> Any ideas why the group permissions seem to be ignored by tomcat?
>>  Nothing to do with Tomcat I think.
> Maybe it is because is a read/write kind of file,
> and the group just has read permission ?
> All your tests involve reading, not writing, and reading is allowed for
> the group.
> Google for
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