On 14/09/2012 17:36, Benson Margulies wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Benson Margulies <ben...@basistech.com> wrote:
>>> Apologies for the accidental use of HTML.
>>> The problem below is triggered by the facts that:
>>> a) spring-web contains a ServletContainerInitializer
>>> b) even with metadata-complete, tomcat does annotation scanning once
>>> it sees one of those
>> Yes, this is a mandatory requirement of the servlet spec. Yes, it is a PITA. 
>> Your best bet is to add the spring jar to jarsToSkip which should stop it 
>> being scanned for the SCI in the first place. If you need features provided 
>> by the SCI, then you can add the other jars to the skip list.
> Mark, this leads me to a related question. If I'm launching tomcat
> embedded, I have no catalina.properties, right? So I don't even have
> the lengthy normal list of jarsToSkip. Would you recommend settings
> that Tld-scan-limiting property by just calling System.setProperty for
> my embedded application?

See how you get on with 7.0.30. If you still see issues, then yes.


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