Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 9/18/12 9:47 AM, André Warnier wrote:
Still talking about mod_jk, basically anything you set in Apache
httpd using "SetEnv" for example, gets passed to Tomcat as a
request attribute, through the AJP protocol.

You need to use JkEnvVar if it's something non-standard (which I
suspect Phillip's variables are).

You are right, my apologies.  I was a bit quick answering the OP's questions.

So, with correction applied : if you are using mod_jk as the Apache/Tomcat connector, then any Apache httpd "environment variable" (that's what Apache httpd doc calls the values set via e.g. "SetEnv") /can/ be passed to Tomcat, as a request attribute, by using the JkEnvVar directive in the Apache httpd configuration.

See here :
(and read the whole JkEnvVar paragraph carefully, for some limitations)

Since I am not frequently using the mod_proxy_ajp connector, I do not know if a similar capability exists with it.

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