
You know what a turtle is?


On 15 Sep 2012, at 13:30, Martin Gainty <> wrote:

> Good Morning Brian
> from what Im seeing this is a Redhat Enterprise 4,5,6 bug which effects any 
> of the secure protocols such as sftp, scp and ssl  and you would need to 
> implement the RH patch
> dsiable TLS 1.0 and implement either TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 protocols in its place
> disable applets
> disable WebSockets
> disable Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) ciphers
> make sure  1/(n-1) split is being implemented
> replace your JSSE with a JSSE that supports  jsse.enableCBCProtection
> this update from tomas tells the story
> "A mitigation for this flaw was implemented in the Network Security Services 
> (NSS) library.
> It uses 1/(n-1) record splitting as mentioned in comment #19.
> This mitigation was added in NSS version 3.13 (which is used in Firefox 9 and 
> later) and is enabled by default upstream.
> Environment variable NSS_SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV can be used to disable the 
> mitigation when it causes failures to connect to servers that are intolerant 
> to such record splitting (see comment #23).  Setting the environment variable 
> value to 0 disables the mitigation."
> use FF9 as your corporate browser
> anyone from Redhat 
> have anything useful to say on this matter?
> Martin Gainty
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>> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 22:12:30 -0500
>> Subject: Is there a REAL solution to the "BEAST attack" (CVE-2011-3389) for 
>> Tomcat 7.x
>> From:
>> To:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a REAL solution to the "BEAST attack" (CVE-2011-3389) for Tomcat
>> 7.x?
>> For more info about this attack:
>> My toughts and questions, as far as I have investigated this issue:
>> - Disabling the TLS1.0 protocol would be too restrictive, because there are
>> still browser versions in use that don't support TLS1.1 or TLS1.2.
>> - Should we restrict the ciphers in use? If so, which ones should we offer
>> for Tomcat 7.X over JVM1.6 and using a GeoCerts certificate (which means
>> JSSE instead of OpenSSL)?
>> - Will upgrading to the latest JVM (as of today, Sept 14th 2012) solve this
>> issue?
>> Thanks in advace.

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