I am generating a self signed cert using open SSL with the following commands

openssl req -x509 -notes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout privateKey.key -out ca.crt

I accept all the defaults when prompted except for 'Common Name' and enter my IP address there.

This generates :  ca.crt

It then export this to a ca.p12 with:
 $openssl pkcs12 -export -in ca.crt -inkey privateKey.key -out ca.p12

I then copy this file to $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/a.keystore

Then I run this command
$open ssl pkcs12 -in ca.p12 -out ca.pem -clcerts -nokeys -nodes

and copy this to $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/ca.pem

Before doing this, I remove some junk at the top of the file before ---BEGIN CERTIFICATE ----

I then modify my server.xml and open port 8443 and point to the a.keystore file.

This seems to work OK.

However when I generate a.keystore and ca.pem using BouncyCastle, the certs do not seem to work but I have all the same settings. When generating in pure Java, I am required to install the JCE to generate the keys. I am not sure why openssl does not require some download or license to generate the RSA keys and why it lets me generate with a key size of 2048 without some sort of extension (openssl must have some export controls correct)?

My first question is:

1) Why does the first method (using openssl) work? Would I not need to apply JCE to my local jdk/jre when running Tomcat for the certs to work?

2) What is wrong with generating the keys in Java?
I am essentially following this:

Except there is no keystore to initially load so I skipped that part.

any help on generating a self signed cert in Java that would mirror the openssl generation would be greatly appreciated.


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