John Rellis wrote:
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 10:57 AM, André Warnier <> wrote:

John Rellis wrote:

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Alex Samad - Yieldbroker <> wrote:

 Been thinking about
Log4j -> syslog -> syslog server

That way you can look at the server and also at the syslog server ...
you a real time view.

I keep my per server syslogs for 4-7 days and the on the syslog server
months ..


 -----Original Message-----
From: John Rellis [mailto:john.d.rellis@gmail.**com<>
Sent: Monday, 24 September 2012 6:49 PM
To: users
Subject: Cluster Logging Options


Curious to how people deal with logging in a horizontally clustered

Right now, I am looking at multiple remote instances of Tomcat with


log files on each server.  Is this the way most people do it or is it

possible to

amalgamate the logs at some point to give a more complete picture of
is going on in the system??

Many thanks,

John Rellis

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Thanks Alex.

Could be a good idea to figure out what is going on the system!

Have you come up with any solutions of clustering tomcat across many
different servers and putting their logs together??

Isn't that precisely what he's telling you above ?

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André, Alex,

Apologies, I don't understand how that relates to multiple different
machines/servers on a network.

I can see how it is a good idea for running multiple tomcat instances on
one machine alright.

Not sure what I am missing.  I understand the above as writing all tomcat
logs on the same machine to the syslog.  Am I mistaken??

There is just a bit missing in your understanding : syslog is a daemon running on one host, and writes logfiles on that host. But different processes, running on the same *or on other hosts* can send their log messages to that one syslog daemon, via the network and TCP/IP e.g., allowing this syslog daemon to write messages from these various remote processes to one or more local logfiles. This, in an abbreviated way, was what Alex was trying to tell you : configure your Tomcats to use log4j, and configure log4j to send their log messages to one syslog running on one "logging host". You can configure log4j and syslog in such a way as to write one common logfile for all Tomcats, or separate files for each, or both at the same time.

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